Grace Samson-Song
Grace Samson-Song is a global executive coach, speaker and author. She is a Skillsoft coach and the founder of The Maximize Group LLC, a global training and coaching company. She is passionate about helping people move to their next level of brilliance.
Grace has extensive international experience working with corporate leaders both in conference settings and individual sessions. Prior to becoming an executive coach, she worked for over 10 years as a corporate trainer in the retail and hospitality sectors, where she trained and provided motivational sessions to thousands of customer-facing employees, enabling them to offer exceptional service to customers, clients and guests. She has helped new and existing leaders in management positions to be effective in their roles. Through the success of these trainings, she began working with C-suite leaders and senior management to strategize for business growth and strategic direction, while motivating their teams through training and workshops to align with corporate vision for maximum impact.
Grace obtained her coach training from the Coactive Training Institute (CTI), based in San Rafael, California, and is professionally certified on a PCC level by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). Grace also holds a diploma in customer relationship management from the University of South Africa and a diploma in food science and technology from Kaduna Polytechnic, Nigeria. She is also a licensed personality assessment consultant.